Occupational Therapy News OTnews January 2019 | Page 31
Resources, including time, money, travel, technology, personal
commitments, organisation and manager support, and professional
isolation, is a common theme.
In the current climate these issues are unlikely to improve, which makes
it is even more important to recognise and be aware of the value of the
everyday work that has potential to become CPD (Hearle et al 2016).
We have received positive feedback from health and social care
professionals and students who are already using TRAMmCPD to structure
their CPD and from occupational therapists and students who attended
Sarah’s session at RCOT 2018.
The use of TRAMmCPD may help you become more aware of the
learning and potential CPD you are already engaging in. We will continue
to update the model based upon the findings from our research and
information is freely available from the website.
Health and Care Professions Council (2017) Continuing professional development
and your registration. London: HCPC
The RCOT Career Development Framework:
Guiding Principles for Occupational Therapy
is an over-arching set of guiding principles
for occupational therapy and offers a
structured process to guide careers, learning
and development within our profession.
It contains four interacting Pillars of
Practice each with nine Career Levels:
Professional Practice; Facilitation of
Learning; Leadership; and Evidence,
Research and Development.
It can support you to identify the things
you have already learned and areas for
continuing professional development.
The framework is already being used at
different levels; on an individual level, you
can map current level of experience and
plan future learning and on a service level,
you can identify strengths in the team and
future needs when recruiting.
The framework will evolve through a
process of continuous evaluation and
updates to remain contemporary for the
profession. Its future relevance and success
will require ongoing co-creation with those
who use it.
Visit: www.rcot.co.uk/practice-resources/
carried out on behalf of HCPC is to link CPD to annual appraisal
The positives of this are considered to be a robust system and structure
to support learning and streamline and avoid duplication (Illing et al 2017).
Negatives may be that learning may be aligned more to organisational
requirements rather than individual needs and interests.
While some already include the need to engage in CPD in their annual
appraisal, progress towards identified learning needs should be monitored,
linked to personal outcomes with engagement and impact on the individual,
service users and/or organisation measured.
Hearle D, Lawson S and Morris R (2016) A strategic guide to CPD for health and
care professionals: The TRAMm Model. Keswick: M&K Publishing
Hearle D and Lawson S (2016) Are you and your team really engaging in Continuing
Professional Development? College of Occupational Therapists 40th Annual
Conference and Exhibition. Harrogate
Illing J, Crampton P, Rothwell C, Corbett S, Tiffin P and Trepel D (2017) What is the
evidence for assuring the continuing fitness to practice of Health and Care
Professions Council registrants, based on its continuing professional
development and audit system? London: HCPC
Lawson S, Morris R and Hearle D (2014) A continuous, dynamic and strategic
journey, Occupational Therapy News, 22(5): 34
Morris R, Salmon T, Lawson S, Leadbitter A, Morris M, Margaret Mandizha-Walker
and Hearle D (2011) Creativity through appreciative Inquiry, Occupational
Therapy News 19(6): 26-27
Sarah Lawson, occupational therapist, MPhil/PhD student, graduate
lecturer, Wrexham Glyndwr University, and member of the RCOT
conference development team, and Deb Hearle, occupational
therapist, professional head, Cardiff University. For further
information or to provide us with your feedback please email
Sarah ([email protected]) or Deb ([email protected]);
follow us on Twitter @SLawsonOT; @HearleD; @TRAMmCPD;
or see the TRAMmCPD website at: www.TRAMmCPD.com
OTnews January 2019 31