Occupational Therapy News June 2020 | Page 9

54 52 40 Far away – but Near Me Rolling out video consulting in rural Tayside has helped children and young people’s therapists to be more accessible for the families they serve 42 The digital solution Digital pioneer Angela Alty reflects on establishing the use of video consultations to facilitate a home environment assessment 46 Staying connected Producing meaningful occupation videos to stay connected with clients during lockdown 52 Sensible creativity and digital technology Staff at the University of Sunderland reflect on adapting students’ Observed Structured Practical Assessments during COVID-19 54 Inspiring the next generation of occupational therapists Encouraging school children of all ages to consider a career in the NHS focus on and Q&A 35 Finding and creating accessible environments for disabled people Laura Irwin on ‘striving to make the world more accessible, one review at a time’ 50 The importance of routine and productivity Clare Cole-Young reflects on how the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of occupation imer: The views and opinions expressed in ublication do not necessarily reflect those of yal College of Occupational Therapists. The ation of advertisements does not constitute sement of the advertised products, services nts by the Royal College of Occupational pists. A guide for contributors is available on st or on the website. Occupational Therapy News is published on the 15th of each month by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists Ltd, a registered charity in England and Wales (275119) and in Scotland (SCO39573), 106-114 Borough High Street, Southwark, London SE1 1LB. lines: Editorial: 26th of the month. Advertising: the month.