Occupational Therapy News June 2020 | Page 6

Contents 42 regular pages 06 news A round up of all the professional and policy news across the UK 56 professional resources A look at the reserach in this issue of BJOT, plus new guidance from RCOT Contacts Contacting OTnews Editorial enquiries tel: 020 3141 4639 or email: [email protected] Advertising enquiries tel: 020 3141 4641 or email: [email protected] Contacting RCOT General enquiries tel: 020 3141 4600 Membership/Subscription enquiries tel: 020 3141 4648 or email: [email protected] Unison enquiries tel UNISONdirect: 0845 355 0845 OTnews sta Editor Tracey Journalist An Production a Janine Reid Suzanne Jeffe Sales manag President Ba CEO Julia Sco Chairman Pro www.rcot.co.uk www.facebook.com/theRCOT