Occupational Therapy News June 2020 | Page 3

Over the last three months I have been overwhelmed by everyone who – on top of having to rapidly amend their service provision or deal with sudden redeployment – has taken the time to submit their stories to OTnews , so that we can share their experiences .

This month is no different and in this issue , the clear focus is on rehabilitation , redeployment and digital technology .
We kick off on page 16 , where Andrew Mickel learns how a distinctive community rehabilitation model is emerging in the vast yet diverse Scottish Highlands . He hears how NHS Highlands has located an occupational therapist into each of the new neighbourhood teams , welding reablement and rehabilitation into the neighbourhood model .
This is followed by a focus on the redeployed roles that occupational therapists within North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust have been undertaking during the pandemic . Sally Drake describes how occupational therapists are supporting both patients and staff during these challenging times ( pages 20 to 22 ).
On page 28 , Natalie Jones and Jennifer Read , look at the steadily growing relevance of video conferencing technology for home visits and consultations , particularly with the current international pandemic situation .
A group of occupational therapists , thinking about how they could become more research active , were already collaborating with the University of Sheffield , and here they explain how their ‘ Virtual Visit Approach ’ has been developing .
Then , on pages 32 to 34 , Kate McGoldrick talks about the setting up of virtual visits to combat isolation and loneliness during the pandemic , which has interrupted ‘ all but essential ’ hospital visiting .
Still on the topic of technology , when the COVID-19 pandemic struck , Sophie Czaczkes , an occupational therapist with cancer patients , found that her team was already ahead of the game when it came to using virtual technology . Starting on page 38 , she shares what the team has learned and how this might be taken forward .
Andrew Mickel then hears how rolling out video consulting in rural Tayside has helped children and young people ’ s therapists to be more accessible for the families they serve ( pages 40 to 41 ), while on pages 42 to 44 , digital pioneer and occupational therapist Angela Alty reflects on establishing the use of video consultations to facilitate a home environment assessment for discharge planning .
Finally on the topic of technology , with their service not being deemed as ‘ critical ’, under lockdown the occupational therapists in the Waltham Forest Community Learning Disability Team have had to make substantial changes to the way they work to stay connected with their clients . Eleanor Babcock explains how on pages 46 to 47 .

editor ’ s comment

If you have any feedback about this issue of OTnews , or would like to contribute a short article or feature for a future publication , please email me at : editorial @ rcot . co . uk
Tracey Samuels , Editor