Is this a bucket truck running down the road with a man in the bucket?
Can this be right?
The Electric employee seen here is in the process of making repairs to street lights. Although it may look strange and maybe even unsafe, the practice of staying in the bucket while traversing from one location to the next is not uncommon. As long as the employee and driver follow the associated safety rules, this is perfectly acceptable.
I also would like to take a moment to share something many folks may not know. One day I got to the office at my usual time and spoke with an Electric employee who looked like 5 miles of rough road. He said he was ok, but a bit tired. He and his crew had been at work since 3 a.m., taking down Christmas decorations from downtown lamp posts. Why is this being done at 3 a.m.? It’s safer that way; less traffic means less chance of being hit by a passing vehicle. It also has the added benefit of not disrupting traffic during business hours.
When the power goes out, we expect that linemen will get out and turn the lights back on. However, I can’t help but to be impressed at the level of dedication they have to ensure the working conditions are safe and not inconveniencing the rest of us.
Glen Moehling
Utilities Safety Training Coordinator