3 . The Memory Center of Oradour-sur-Glane ( Haute-Vienne , France ) |
Memory Center of Oradour policy . Thus , the general use of the term “ martyred village ”, with its heroic and victim-focused connotations , reflects a unifying interpretation of diverse realities .
Due to this diversity of circumstances and the political developments of the post-war period , the monumentalisation of “ martyred villages ” has progressed unevenly and at different paces across regions . Some cases saw early monumentalisation , such as Oradour , which was classified as a Historic Monument as early as 1946 ; Lidice , which was immediately and enduringly elevated as a national symbol ; and Belchite , which was quickly appropriated by Franco ’ s regime as a showcase of its propaganda . In contrast , sites like Marzabotto , Distomo , or Corbera experienced later processes of recognition . The fluctuating political use of these sites has led to periods of intense commemoration , alternating with moments of deliberate amnesia