Observing Memories Issue 8 December 2024 | Page 34


“ Martyred Villages ” in Europe

Stéphane Michonneau Professor , Paris-Est Créteil University / CRHEC Babeth Robert Director of the Memory Centre of Oradour

While working on the emblematic site of Oradour-sur-Glane , researchers involved in the ANR Ruines project 1 explored the phenomenon of “ martyred villages ” found in several European countries , including Spain , Italy , Greece , and the Czech Republic . The term refers , sometimes in an official capacity , to localities that experienced mass massacres and extensive destruction of infrastructure , often affecting small , peripheral communities . This contrasts with “ martyred cities ” which were obliterated through large-scale bombings . Questions raised about the emergence and use of this category led to the launch of the “ VILMA ” research project in 2022 , structured around five key themes : 1 . The cultural and political construction of the contemporary “ martyred village ” as a category embodying collective recognition , rooted in the late 19th century . 2 . The management of destruction ’ s remnants and the transmission of memories , reflecting the material and community reconstruction . 3 . The political investment in these localities , including monumentalisation and commemorations . 4 . The diversity and challenges of heritage-making processes . 5 . The networks and exchanges established between European “ martyred villages ”.

This collaborative research began with five exploratory seminars held between February 2022 and May 2023 2 in Oradour-sur-Glane , La Chapelle and Vassieux-en-Vercors ( France ), Marzabotto ( Italy ), Lidice ( Czech Republic ), and Distomo ( Greece ). It also included studies of Belchite and Corbera d ’ Ebre ( Spain ) 3 . These seminars combined site visits ,
1 The ANR Ruines project ( 2018 – 2024 ) investigates the social and political uses of war ruins . See https :// ruines . hypotheses . org / 1554
2 The initiative is supported by the Memorial Centre of Oradour , the MSH Paris-Saclay , and the PLACES laboratory at CY Cergy Paris University .
3 Stéphane Michonneau , Belchite , Ruines-fantômes de la guerre d ’ Espagne , Paris , CNRS Éditions , 2020 .
Observing Memories Issue 8