9 . Magdeburg criminal police photos of Ena Lauenburger , 1939 | © Landersarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt , Magdeburg
culture , becoming a familiar reference point that - at times - prompts reflection , the Romani genocide is far less present in such cultural products . There are initiatives in the form of blogs , documentaries , and exhibitions , but much more work is needed to transfer this knowledge . Only sustained efforts over time can transform academic understanding into public knowledge , whether in a civic , educational , or commemorative sense . As long as the Romani genocide remains practically invisible in these spaces , our societies will not confront the anti- Gypsy racism embedded in the DNA of mainstream culture . We will continue to use language and engage in social practices that normalise a benign-seeming , yet insidiously harmful , form of racism ( jokes , humour , TV programmes etc .) which , in reality , serves as a cultural support for actions as deadly as Nazi racial policy . And we are late : xenophobia and extreme nationalism , hallmarks of our present political moment , are not likely to foster selfcriticism . This lack of memory poses a particularly grave danger .
Some resources :
Berger , Karin : Unter den Brettern hellgrünes Gras ( 2005 ), documentary on the life of Ceija Stojka , survivor of the Romani genocide . Gatlif , Tony : Korkoro ( 2008 ), film depicting the story of a Romani family under Nazi persecution . Kos-Krauze , Joanna and Krauze , Krzysztof : Papusha ( 2013 ), biopic about Polish poet Bronislawa Wajs . Navarro , David : My Holocaust . Philomena Franz ( 2022 ), open-access documentary available in EN / ES : https :// miholocausto . com / Rosenhaft , Eve : “ Strangers in Their Own Land : Romani Survivors in Europe 1945 ” ( 2021 ), open-access documentary on the life of Erna Lauenburger : https :// www . nationalww2museum . org / war / articles / romani-holocaustsurvivors-1945 Sierra , Maria : “ Philomena Franz , narrator of the Romani Holocaust , study on the first Romani woman to recount her experiences under Nazism , EN / ES : https :// miholocausto . com / en / estudio / What happened to Unku ?, open-access documentary on the life of Erna Lauenburger : https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 5e3tbdHNFWY