Observing Memories Issue 7 - December 2023 | Page 93

While Hernández Holgado presents the history of the women ’ s prison , Núria Ricart documents in her chapter the commemorative events and actions that have taken place in its memory . Professor of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona , Ricart is a specialist in monuments and memorial spaces in the public space . This is also demonstrated in her recently published and outstanding book , Arte público y memoria . Lenguaje y transmisión en los monumentos a las víctimas [ Public Art and Memory . Language and transmission in monuments to victims ]. Since 2006 , with the construction of the website www . presodelescorts . org by the Associació per la Cultura i la Memòria de Catalunya ( ACME , Catalan Association for Culture and Memory ) and the various unsuccessful attempts to mark the site – then unmarked and utterly invisible to the public – a process fraught with ups and downs began , with relentless efforts by different groups to keep the memory of the site alive . The shopping centre ’ s endeavour ( with the support of the district ) to appease the demands with a small , hidden plaque bearing an aseptic text in 2010 only further fuelled the flames and prompted the different groups involved to rally together even more . Seminars , activities , tours , performances , plays , documentary screenings , street marking , book presentations , commemorations every 8 March and 14 April ... a broad process of citizen participation driven by the Plataforma Futuro Monumento Cárcel de Les Corts [ Platform for the Future Monument to Les Corts Women ’ s Prison ], founded in 2013 , whose extensive programme of activities over the last few years is recorded on its blog . One of the high points was the installation of five monoliths in 2015 , on the corner of Carrer Güell and Carrer Europa , where the monument would be inaugurated four years later : a redesign of the same space conceptualised by the team led by Núria Ricart herself , whose main focus would be six huge rocks of different origins from the peninsula , from the same place where many of the prisoners came from . Nonetheless , as the authors emphasise – and as the people who breathe life into it day after day confirm – this is not a monument marking the end , it is just another step , the memorial is the process , and this site remains – and must remain – an unfinished place .
1 | 2 . The Memorial Site of the Les Corts ’ Women Prison was inaugurated in 2019 , after years of work and vindication by the Platform Future Monument Presó de dones de les Corts . Pictures : Barcelona City Council .
RICART , Núria ; GUIXÉ , Jordi ; HERNÁNDEZ , Fernando ( 2022 ) Un lugar inacabado . Espacio de memoria , Monumento Cárcel de Mujeres de Les Corts . Valencia : Publicacions de la Universitat de València .
RICART , Núria ( 2022 ) Arte público y memoria . Lenguaje y transmisión en los monumentos a las víctimas . Madrid : Catarata .