3 . View from the footbridge on the other side of the Congress Hall . Picture : Dominique Trouche
Domenig ’ s architectural device as mediation
Günther Domenig ’ s architecture is part of the deconstructivist movement . He wanted to break the monotonous architecture of Congress Hall and propose the exact opposite , as Stephen Brockmann reports ( 2006 , p . 273 ). As an architectural device , the footbridge questions more particularly the shaping of the ideology of National Socialism ( Abensour , 2006 , p . 13 ). Rudolf Arnheim talks about the “ dynamics of visual perception ” of a building ( 1995 , p . 56 ). The footbridge has a dynamic whose perception is both spatial and temporal . Two modalities of mediation reflect it : transparency and crossing .
Three sides of the footbridge are made of glass : the ceiling and the right and left sides . The glass is transparent , giving a 360 ° view of a very imposing room that is closed and windowless . For Olivier Aïm , transparency “ is a way of writing ‘ as is ’” ( 2006 , p . 34 ). The architectural device gives immediate and total access to this room , but overview