5 totally incongruous . But that is what the MCR is all about : reminding people that tragedy is always within easy reach , and that actions count . 2023 began with a temporary exhibition on the genocide of the Yezidis .
In the 2000s , once the memoir had been completed , the Rivesaltes camp became part of the local youth entertainment circuit . Rave parties , paintball sessions and life-size role-play games were held there . All these activities were free of charge , and were sometimes part of a real method of appropriating and using the site - for example , the first Grandeur Nature events were held there on account of the space available .
However , from 2007 onwards , the organisers were creating a history of the site and incorporating it into their scenario . This was a sign of acceptance , even resilience . This process is not yet complete .
The MCR has not yet reached maturity . Like the memory of the place , this public establishment for
cultural cooperation is slowly taking shape .
Born of a citizens ’ project , made possible by the political will of local institutions , it seeks to preserve its civic roots , participate in local and transnational ecosystems , while also wanting to grow and be useful to the European societies it serves .
The challenges are vast : incorporating colonial history , the subject of so much tension in present day France , is one of the major challenges . Rehabilitating the history of all those whom France has relegated as undesirables , by inserting this rigidity into the history of reactions to globalisation , is a future challenge .
Producing historical knowledge is a decisive step forward . Walter Benjamin spoke of how the city becomes a landscape that opens up to him and a parlour that encloses him . Today , the MCR is a parlour or chamber of memories : it only makes sense if it opens up a historical landscape , in other words , one that holds past , present and future tensions . overview