Observing Memories Issue 7 - December 2023 | Page 61

resilient and Brazilian democracy has withstood the polarisation that divided the country during the last presidential election in 2022 . This period witnessed intense political rivalry that ignited hatred and even led to violence and murder in various parts of the country . Debates about whether Brazil experienced a dictatorship or a military regime , among other contentious topics , persist among progressives and conservatives .
Memory preservation practices and strategies have also played a role in this polarisation . Notably , the Association of Relatives of Victims of 8 January has protested against the arrests of terrorists by the Federal Police . Some municipalities , such as Porto Alegre , attempted to declare 8 January “ Patriot Day ”, but this effort was suspended by the Federal Supreme Court .
A heated public debate surrounds these issues . The federal government announced plans to establish a Museum of Brazilian Democracy immediately after the attack , seeking approval from the National Congress for a budget of R $ 40 million to support this cultural institution , which aims to explore the evolution of democracy in the country , including the events of 8 January . Some musealisation efforts related to the attack , such as the exhibition “ Reflections of the Senate – 100 Days of the Invasion ”, have already been initiated by the government .
In 2014 , the National Truth Commission recommended the creation of a museum of memory to continue the work initiated during the commission ’ s investigations . However , no federal museum dedicated to this topic has been established yet . It remains unclear whether the proposed Museum of Brazilian Democracy will collaborate with the idea of a museum of memory focused on human rights violations investigated by the commission .
With the recent recreation of the Ministry of Culture , an inter-ministerial working group has been formed to plan the Museum of Brazilian Democracy ’ s establishment . In September 2023 , a seminar will convene at the Government Palace to engage with the public and gather input on expectations for this new national memory institution .
The federal government has demonstrated a willingness to address traumatic issues from the past that continue to impact the present and shape the nation ’ s future . Other commitments include the creation of a Slavery Museum , which is proposed to be located at the Cais do Valongo archaeological site in Rio de Janeiro , recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site .
In this context of struggles and disputes , a discussion on the museology of traumatic memories emerges . It is discussed in a country that selectively chooses which trauma memories to confront publicly , illustrating a wider oscillation that is not unique to Brazil but experienced across the region . Neighbouring countries in Latin America and the Caribbean also grapple with political difficulties when confronting traumatic memories and human rights abuses , often relying on museology as a vital tool for addressing these issues .
I conclude with a passage from the song by Gozanguinha ( 1945-1991 ): “ Memories of a time when fighting for your right is a deadly defect ”. In Brazil in 2023 , it is both possible and encouraged to engage in conversations about traumatic memories and human rights violations . This was not always the case , and it remains challenging in many other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean today . Now I speak directly to you . Where are you reading this from ? Are you reading these words I wrote from a free country ? If so , what have you been doing with that freedom ? If not , I hope this text can embrace you and , in some way , strengthen you . While memory alone does not guarantee a future free of atrocities , it does empower society to pursue active hope together .
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EVARISTO , Conceição . Becos da memória . Rio de Janeiro : Pallas , 2017 .
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