Observing Memories Issue 7 - December 2023 | Page 53

gatherings were banned , people came together every Friday to cycle through the cities , protesting against the government and its increasingly militant rhetoric of running the country .
The battle of merit over who led the country to freedom was nothing new , as there have already been controversial clashes in the interpretation and memories of the same events . New , polar opposite stories of the same participants in the events came to the fore , following the attempt to erase certain actors and highlight others . The tendency for new historical reinterpretations and the establishment of the cult of deserving heroes found its place in the new museum , where the right wing wanted to offer its vision of the events of thirty years ago . All the content and the location of the museum were only part of the authorities ’ efforts at the time to recognise the European resolution on remembrance as the only possible interpretation of the past and to establish state-regulated , narrowly profiled views of the past both through the programmes of the school system and the commemoration of new days of remembrance . The rhetoric was based on glorification of the concept of patriotism as the highest love for the motherland , a negative attitude towards immigrants , contempt for life under the communist regime and the mythologisation of Slovenian independence . One of the historians commented that the creation of the new museum was an attempt by the regime to cement our hold on the past , its attempt to ideologically erase and forget events and people that were not relevant to the consolidation of the suitable narrative . It was also clear that the activities of the newly established museum took place without the involvement of experts from other museums , institutions or researchers working on the topic , excluding public discussions about the content of the museum collections and any announced participatory activities that would involve the public in creating the museum .
5 . Temporary premises of the Museum of Slovenian Independence . Photo : Luka Cjuha , Dnevnik , 2023