3 . Home Guard building in Ljubljana , built in 1899 . under restoration . The Archive of Slovenia will operate in the renovated building , expected in 2024 of Contemporary History in 1993 , confirms the efforts to politically construct socially suitable public institutions . Viewed more broadly , the phenomenon of the creation , rise and destruction of the red museums of Yugoslavia is a story of a collective “ struggle of values ” and the creation of new ones based on the rejection of the heritage that the museums of the revolution kept . The most successful transition from a politically established museum to an open and participatory national institution is represented by the Museum of Contemporary History . After the independence of Slovenia , the reformed museum began to systematically collect , preserve and present the history of Slovenians from the period before the First World War to the present day , with special emphasis on the period of independence and the democratisation of the country . The employees of the museum were already collecting objects and other material evidence of the birth of the new state during the period of the formation of the country and throughout the transition process . They met with actors and recorded their stories , collected the works of famous photojournalists and founded several collections . In the decade after the proclamation of the new country , they prepared a high-profile exhibition entitled “ United in Victory – the Independence of Slovenia ”, which presented the steps towards the independence of the new country on the fifteenth anniversary of independence . A year later , it was briefly displayed at Ljubljana Castle and after its closure in late 2007 , it became a part of the museum ’ s permanent installation . Collections of objects and exhibitions on the theme of independence are now part of the regular programme not only of the Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia , but also of several museums throughout Slovenia . It is precisely because of the systematic data collection and research on this period , the exhibitions and publications , that the criticism of the government in 2021 resonated so much more in public , as state institutions did not deal with this period and these topics were socially neglected .