Observing Memories Issue 7 - December 2023 | Page 4


Observing Memories

Magazine of the European Observatory on Memories University of Barcelona ’ s Solidarity Foundation
Seventh issue : December , 2023
Director Jordi Guixé i Coromines
Editor Ricard Conesa
Communication and visual identity Fernanda Zanuzzi
Graphic design Jorge Penny
Editoral Board Xavier López , Oriol López , Núria Ricart , Fernando Hernández , David González , Celeste Muñoz
Advisory Board James E . Young , Siobhan Kattago , Marcello Flores , Kaja Širok , Elizabeth Lira , Georges Mink , Enzo Traverso , Martí Grau , Matilde Eiroa , Stefanie Endlich
Contact observatori . memories @ ub . edu c / Melcior de Palau , 140 080014 - Barcelona + 34 934 035 538


Cover picture
“ Carrero Blanco ’ s car ”, sculpture by Fernando Sánchez Castillo ( 2007 ), one of the pieces of the exhibition “ The Democratic Skylight . Politics of Life and Death in the Spanish State ” curated by Germán Labrador in 2023 .
In 1973 , the assassination of Luis Carrero Blanco - then Prime Minister of Spain - came as a major collective shock . The staging of the attack , claimed by ETA ( 6th Assembly ), fuelled all sorts of fears and fantasies . It also had a strong symbolic impact : heralding the end of a generation of military men , who , after having promoted the Civil War and its crimes , knew how to exploit their command of the state in their favour . Thus , in 1975 , the dictator Francisco Franco died , but the regime ' s violence did not end there . ( Excerpt by the curatorial text ). www . europeanmemories . net / magazine @ euromemories
Observing Memories Issue 7