Observing Memories Issue 5 - December 2021 | Page 23

5 . Juan Perón ( left ) with the dictator José Uriburu ( waving in the right car ). Coup d ’ état of 1930 | Public Domain , Wikimedia Commons
Like Schmitt , the ambitious conservative who tried to ingratiate himself to Germany ’ s new masters and their reactionary form of modernism , most jurists , prosecutors , judges , and public officials under Nazism accepted Hitler ’ s transformation of the legal system . Uriburu had the same intentions as Pinochet or the generals of the Argentine Military Junta had in the 1970s and early 1980s . The same can be said of governments that destroy democracy such as those of Nicaragua , Venezuela or El Salvador or aspiring fascist politicians in countries like Italy , Argentina , Peru , Spain . Like Trump , the latter glorify violence , blatantly lie and believe their own lies and deny science ( from vaccines to climate change ), make hatred and demonization the axis of politics , and pretend that their personal or even family interests are more important than the constitutional framework .
As with past examples of fascist leaders , these enemies of freedom , democracy and the law are the first to present themselves as its defenders .
All these examples , and especially Trumpism , illuminate the worrying actualization of an anti-democratic tendency ( anticonstitutional and anti-liberal ) of those who think that power and the legitimacy of power authorize them to exist above the law . In the name of “ Law and Order ” legality is destroyed . Democracy could be next .