Observing Memories Issue 5 - December 2021 | Page 19

1 . 2021 storming of the United States Capitol | Tyler Merbler , CC BY 2.0 , Wikimedia Commons
Many years ago , General Juan Peron , the populist leader of Argentina said , “ to our friends we give everything but to our enemies not even justice should be given .” Peron meant that enemies should be considered outside the legal system . Peron was probably being playful with an apocryphal sentence attributed to Mexican General Benito Juarez who is supposed to have said , “ to my friends justice and grace apply , but to enemies we give the Law .”
Strikingly , in our times these ideas are applied by leaders who put themselves above the law and want to use the law and the democratic system to destroy from within . In the United States , Republicans that voted twice against Trump ’ s impeachment in Congress for treasonous acts as well as for a coup attempt , want to use the impeachment procedures against President Biden for his arguably messy retreat from Afghanistan . And to the south … in Brazil , the tension between President Jair Bolsonaro and Brazil ’ s top court have reached new highs after the Brazilian , nicknamed the “ Trump of the tropics ,” asked the senate to impeach a supreme court justice who ’ s targeting him and his allies for alleged attacks against democracy , namely preemptively denouncing fraud and delegitimizing the future of elections .