The Ripple Effects - Martin Luther King Jr . & Coretta Scott King Memorial , Boston
Wodiczko , Bonder , Thompson & Wood
The project , designed as a living memorial , has embraced the historic and unique task of creating a monument not to a single hero but to a partnership of two extraordinary people . The proposal for the Boston Common embeds this dual monument in a deep history of activism , signaled by the memorial to Shaw and the 54th Massachusetts Infantry , and to carry that meaning and purpose into the future . This project proposes to both celebrate Martin Luther King & Coretta Scott King – their lives and accomplishments – as well as to invite present and future generations to see themselves as catalysts for an ongoing process of emancipation and transformation . The site organized by a mound on the east side and the Beacon Towers , on the west . They symbolize the continuing presence and inspiration of the Kings ’ leadership , while at the same time – through the sound of specially designed bells and the pulses of light-monitoring – they continually inform visitors on current state of the emancipation process , globally , nationally , and in Boston .
This new public space and forum for engagement is created in order to inspire learning , dialogue , and activism now and later . It is not only a symbolic ground for public assembly , for civic celebrations , for cultural activity , individual and group reflection and discussion but also a socially engaging interactive environment , which – as an affirmation of life , love , fellowship and community – will embody a welcoming message , in and from Boston , for generations to come .
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