content , posting tweets that made reference to national sovereignty and the fight against illegal immigration .
To conclude the content analysis on Europe Day , it is also necessary to look at the tweets that could be characterised as Eurocritical , an area that lies at one end of the pro-European group and tilts slightly towards the Eurosceptic community but is not part of it . Unlike the Eurosceptics , Eurocritical sectors are found mostly within the parliamentary left , which does not support a break with the European Community , but does call for democratising reform . One example would be a tweet from the Euro MP Erik Marquardt of the Greens / EFA Alliance , who criticised the EU states for being “ more concerned with the next elections than with the next generations ”. Along the same lines was a tweet from Sawsan Chebli of Germany ’ s SPD Party , who seized on Europe Day to criticise the EU ’ s immigration policies and recall the refugees housed in the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos . These spaces were also characterised by humour and the use of memes . A popular tweet in this vein was posted by Ulrike Guérot (@ ulrikeguerot ), a founder of the EU reform movement called European Democracy ( see image 15 ). Likewise , in Spain , a cartoonist at the satirical magazine @ eljueves resorted to humour in a tweet that enjoyed a fairly wide distribution on the day .
Conclusions or heritage initiatives , they nonetheless constitute new formulas of remembering in the present and the future . Second and closely linked to the first point , the project is significant because of its methodological work , which has few precedents . This work furthers the consolidation of the “ digital social sciences ”. Along the same lines , it will also be important to work through any ethical dilemmas that may arise , together with any case law established by each state to punish hate crimes on social media ( which are sometimes a double-edge weapon in that they politically limit the freedom of expression and atomise dissent or opposition ). Social media are one of the political battlefields of the twenty-first century . As a result , their usefulness as a source is fundamental . Third and last , the present study is significant because of the results themselves . By analysing Europe Day , it has been possible to identify the countries where the date ’ s commemoration is more deeply entrenched and those where it is almost non-existent ; detect the remembrance of Schuman and his declaration in the present ( in interpretations that are also conditioned by the present ); learn which ideological communities reach beyond the constraints of language ; ascertain the rise of Euroscepticism , its connections and its methods of influence ; rapidly spot the impact of Covid-19 on access to the internet and on political discourse ( in nascent form ); and ultimately , gain a continental retrospective view through the analysis of a vast amount of information .
After laying out the overall project and the specific analysis of Europe Day , it is necessary to offer a few final reflections that are in no way meant to be definitive . The Online Memories project will continue to provide much more information in order to carry out much more thorough and rigorous analyses . At present , however , it is necessary to recognise the usefulness and validity of the present paper . First , this is because of the significance of the narratives and phenomena that it examines . Despite their lack of any physical materiality such as that provided by the completion of commemorative monuments
Online memories ( first report ): https :// europeanmemories . net / wp-content / uploads / 2019 / 05 / ONLINE-MEMORIES-FIRST-REPORT . pdf
Online memories ( second report ): https :// europeanmemories . net / wp-content / uploads / 2020 / 02 / ONLINE-MEMORIES-SECOND-REPORT . pdf
Online memories ( third report ): https :// europeanmemories . net / wp-content / uploads / 2020 / 07 / OM-Third-Report-Web . pdf
KATZ , MARTÍN & JUNG , 2020 . Available at : https :// papers . ssrn . com / sol3 / papers . cfm ? abstract _ id = 3600829 .
Hootsuite portal : https :// hootsuite . com / es / twitter