Observing Memories Issue 4 | Page 23

between the founding of the EU and its present healthcare challenge . By contrast , the tweet in Germany with the greatest impact and reach came from an activist called Daniel Mack (@ danielmack ), who posted a timeline with the continent ’ s periods of war and peace and ended with a statement that the European Union “ ist das Beste , was uns passieren konnte ” [“ is the best thing that ever happened to us ”]. Among Spain ’ s pro-European community , the most popular tweet was posted by the multifaceted communicator Javier Aroca , who recalled the EU ’ s early principles of solidarity , especially toward Germany , in a clear allusion to the current situation and the need to apply the same principles to Southern Europe in a context of systemic crises and need in those countries (@ JavierArocaA : “ En virtud del Acuerdo de Londres de 1953 , se condonó , anuló o hubo una quita de la # deudaexterioralemana . Entre los condonantes estaba España y todos los Estados del sur de Europa . Feliz # DiadeEuropa . En particular a # Alemania ” [“ By virtue of the London Agreement of 1953 , Germany ’ s external debts were forgiven . Those who agreed to write off the debts included Spain and all the nations of Southern Europe . Happy # DiadeEuropa . Especially to # Alemania ”]). In the same vein , the Second Deputy Prime Minister Pablo Iglesias quoted Schuman and posted an excerpt of the declaration to argue on behalf of the same foundational organising principle . Indeed , most of the content posted by pro-European politicians in Spain harked back to those values of unity and solidarity in hopes that the solution to the new Covid-19 crisis , which has hit Spain particularly hard , would not be austerity and cuts to social spending as happened in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008 . This line is similar to the one adopted by Pope Francis , who was especially active over the entire day .