6 Source : Monitoring of Twitter | Author unknown
One of the memes that circulated most on Twitter and WhatsApp groups referred to the fact that Franco ’ s removal from the Valle would take place on a Thursday , which is the day that many students start to go out for the weekend :
The historical event , which was eagerly awaited by the left-wing parties and the associative movement for historical memory , generated a lot of controversy about the exhumation protocol . On the day , the hashtag # Funeraldeestado ( State funeral ) trended . This term began to be used widely even before the start of the ceremony . At 1 p . m . on 24 October , its use shot up when some influential figures on the left picked it up , particularly individuals associated with the Unidas-Podemos party . However , others stated that they were against using this concept , as they argued that it should be applied to deserving governors , not to a dictator .
Outside the Valle , as at the time of Franco ’ s burial in November 1975 , and in the surroundings of the Mingorrubio cemetery where the body was taken , several dozen members of the far-right and people nostalgic for the Franco regime congregated . They carried banners with messages supporting
Translation : “ What are you doing on Thursday ? I ’ m going out !” | Source : https :// cronicaglobal . elespanol . com / cronica-directo / curiosidades / franco-memes-exhumacion _ 286284 _ 102 . html
Observing Memories ISSUE 4