highlighting an area in which Italian culture and
institutions are lagging behind. It focuses our
attention on the relationship between Italian
democracy and its Fascist past, standing on the
frontier between the two and serving as an outpost
where the weight of the divided memories can be
In defining the purposes and uses of the Casa
del Fascio, the local authorities were supported
by research groups and an international scientific
committee. Today a preliminary project dealing
with both structural and museographic aspects has
been approved, and the task of definitive planning
is underway. The hope of the democratic sector of
Italian society is that this great project can fill the
1. Building of the former Casa del Fascio e
dell’Ospitalitá | EUROM
2. Private mausoleum of Mussolini in the ceme-
tery of Predappio | EUROM
gap in knowledge, especially among the younger
generations, about a twenty-year period that was
crucial to the life of the country, and at the same
time can transform the perception of the cultural
vestiges and symbols of the dictatorship into an
opportunity for the reaffirmation of universal rights.
In this way Predappio can undergo a profound
transformation, from a place of celebration of a
dictatorial regime to an international context of
reaffirmation of the values of democracy.