Observing Memories Issue 3 | Page 27

the opening of three souvenir shops, perhaps in put it to new uses. This large building was the an attempt to defuse the situation and to impose only one left derelict in the town centre, despite some legal control. But the move backfired: these its undoubted architectural interest and the wealth stores soon became not just points of sale of the of historical evidence it contained. It was also a worst Fascist garbage, but they also turned into building of great symbolic value due to the function organizational centres for the revival of pilgrimages it performed in the final years of the regime, that and for the attempt to build up a small tourist is to say, of a welcome centre for pilgrims, and economy providing board and lodging for the as a social centre where party propaganda was nostalgici and allowing them to feel that they were created and disseminated. The first step was to the “majority” - at least on the three recurring approve a programme of assessment and promotion dates of Mussolini’s birth, his death, and the seizure which allowed the transfer of properties by the of power on 28 October. All these events have left State and laid out a precise strategy for its new Predappio with the troubling legacy of a horrific functions, focused on the creation of a research and commercialization: busts of the leader, uniforms documentation centre on the history of Fascism, with unrepeatable writings, pro-Fascist publications with a permanent historical exhibition – that of all kinds, knives and clubs, and mementos of is, a modern museum created with advanced Hitler and the Nazis. The creation of a kind of multimedia technologies that would act as a kind ideological, if not directly political, “tourism”, is of “counterweight” with respect to the original concentrated on 28 October, the anniversary of both functions of the building. The programme involved a the march on Rome in 1922 and the liberation of re-focusing of the building’s symbolic value (rather Romagna in 1944. For some years this coincidence than its elimination), and reaffirmed the importance has transformed into a kind of conflict between of cultural projects in the dissemination of historical Fascists and anti-Fascists. The opposition has knowledge. The methodology implemented explicitly not led to violent clashes and it expresses itself drew its inspiration from other situations in Italy essentially in the field of singing and eating and and abroad, such as the restoration of the Victory drinking wine; nevertheless, more than a tourist Monument in Bolzano and the Obersalzberg phenomenon, it resembles a military invasion by exhibition in the Bavarian Alps – where Nazi small or large numbers of troops while the local sympathizers once visited Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest, population looks on in almost total indifference. but where the new museum on Nazism promotes cultural tourism and is currently visited by almost In the following years, a new campaign led 200,000 people a year. Meanwhile, in Predappio, by democrats was launched to rescue the image of the presence of Fascist nostalgia persists, linked to the town, which had become a kind of “free port” the extreme right. Its sympathizers are disoriented of neo-Fascism. In the late 1990s, the municipal by the legal wrangling between the various currents authorities acquired the house where Mussolini of neo-Fascism (some of which explicitly despise was born with the fundamental aim of preventing the “carnival” of Predappio, where black uniforms its use as a shrine and of transforming it into a and shirts are still displayed today) or disappointed place of historical reflection, with the organization by the conflicts within the Mussolini family which of exhibitions focused on understanding the past. led to the closure of the tomb for almost two years, The exhibition dedicated to the Young Mussolini except for the most significant days. was particularly important, curated by a qualified group of historians and enriched with a considerable In terms of its content, the project of the amount of new material. But the most important conversion of the Casa del Fascio is unique measure over the last decade was the decision to throughout Italy, since no other institution in the restore the Casa del Fascio e dell’Ospitalitá and country has set out to present a general history of Deep VIEW 25