Observing Memories Issue 2 | Page 71

an affront regarding the other victims’ names - those resulted from the Republican violence of 1936 constantly reproduced and engraved on monuments, plaques and streets. Some attitudes have not changed, and insisting on a large time span ranging from the Franco regime to the democracy of 2018, keep judging and erasing, instead of understanding or honouring. All of this highlights once again the current political conflicts and the attribution of new significances in the world of politics of memory. The penitentiary file of Celestino García Moreno, peasant of Morata de Tajuña, shot on June 14, 1939, in the walls of the East Madrid cemetery | quieneseran.blogspot.com References (1) The list can be found at https://www.madrid.es/portales/ munimadrid/es/Inicio/Actualidad/Actividades-y-eventos/ Listado-cronologico-de-ejecuciones-en-el-Madrid-de-la- posguerra-1939-1944-?vgnextfmt=default&vgnextoid= 480c22bc756f1610VgnVCM1000001d4a900aRCRD&v- gnextchannel=ca9671ee4a9eb410VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD (4) The plenary session of 28th February 2018 hold in City Council of Madrid rejected the proposal made by the Popular Party submitted in March to exclude the names of the alleged “chequistas”. Nuevatribuna.es, 2/03/2018. www.memoriaylibertad.org. (2) “Los represaliados por Franco tendrán un memorial en la Almudena”. EL PAÍS, 13/02/2018. (5) The plenary session of 28th February 2018 hold in City Council of Madrid rejected the proposal made by the Popular Party submitted in March to exclude the names of the alleged “chequistas”. (3) “El Comisionado de la Memoria Histórica se marcha tras el ninguneo de Carmena y Valiente”. ABC, 16/06/2018. The decision to raise a memorial with all the names was approved in the municipal plenary session. (6) Nueva Tribuna, 2/03/2018. https://www.nuevatribuna.es/ opinion/fernando-hernandez-holgado/carta-abierta-concejal- pedro-corral-historiadores-comisionado-memoria-historica- madrid/20180301204337149190.html OVERVIEW 69