Observing Memories Issue 2 | Page 19

of talk, dialogue, speaking out, as the best weapon in the war against political injustice. Those who criticized these confessional acts, concentrated on del Barco’s text. Some agreed that mistakes were made by the left, but they felt that del Barco went too far in demonizing the whole left for those mistakes, particularly in the reference to “serial assassins.” A common criticism was the view that del Barco constructed a moral equivalency between the violence on the left and right. In particular, the confessional text emphasized a few terrible events on the left that creates a twisted version of the past (“una moral distorsionada”), more likely to politically polarized society rather than find common ground. The notion of “thou shalt not kill,” moreover, is on the surface unimpeachable, but fails to recognize how throughout history violence and counter-violence was required to address gross injustices. The very independence of Latin America from Spain’s tyranny depended on a willingness to kill and be killed. To reduce the struggle of the armed left to the act of “serial assassins,” furthermore takes away the Maby Picón de Viola on the funeral of her husband, Captain Humberto Antonio Viola, and daughter, Maria Cristina Viola (1974) dignity of those who sacrificed their lives for a better triggering event, that those on the left responded world, turning them instead into “senseless deaths” to in different ways. In the texts, references are (“muertes sin sentido”). made to a Mariano Grondona television program in This contentious debate could be seen as which a widow of army captain Viola speaks of the healthy for democracy, putting into practice cruelty of the People’s Revolutionary Party (ERP) in its essential elements of political participation, killing her husband. Grondona evoked – “without expression, and contestation. It could be said any subtlety” -- the image of the two devils. This that Jouvé and del Barco achieved their goal by highly contested view of the past promoted by the stimulating dialogue, the art of doing politics authoritarian regime was back in circulation. Rather through talk, speaking out, raising difficult than simply rejecting it out of hand, in this less questions, critical analysis, and overcoming polarized moment, those on the armed left who had authoritarian adherence to a single perspective. engaged in or witnessed cruelty by their own forces Why was contentious debate over the left’s violence possible in the past and not in recent were willing to take a moral stand against it. Another part of the debate focused on a years? One of the historians who participated in different aspect of the political moment. This debate the debate focused on the political environment in followed the “que se vayan todos” (“throw the bums 2004-2005 when the news media focused on these out”) protests in which a majority of Argentines confessions. He argued that the period of time took to the streets against politicians. Argentines was less threatening than in the years following were claiming their voice, their citizenship, their the transition. The climate was more conducive to right to have rights. In this context, the closed and open and public debate than in those earlier times. unresponsive state was challenged. It is in this In addition, there was a catalysing moment, a context that the authoritarian regime of the past Deep Article 17