The House of European History
A reservoir of the
diversity and complexity
of the memories of
Constanze Itzel
Head of Unit
The House of European History opened its doors to the public on
May 6, 2017 with the aim to to encourage citizens to reflect upon
and debate about the history of Europe and of European integration.
Observing Memories talked to its Head of Unit, Dr. Constanze Itzel, We are building up our own collection of a European nature: It does not intend to duplicate
about the chalanges of building a transnational project on memories. national collections but to collect objects, documents, and audio-visual content of European
significance, such as, for example, the first designs for the Euro symbol. The House of
European History will thus serve as a reservoir of European memory in all its diversity and
What are the main goals of the House of European History?
Finally, we also provide a hub for connections and partnerships around European history,
a platform of exchange for historians, memory experts and museum colleagues. Many
The House of European History aims to be a place for learning, reflection and debate. It in- cultural actors with a European outlook will be our natural partners for joint projects and
tends to raise curiosity and to enable learning and critical reflection about shared histori