What are Risings ?
From February through April , independently organized artistic uprisings – or Risings – take place globally to stop violence against women and girls ( cisgender and transgender ), gender expansive people , and the planet .
These Risings utilize a variety of creative mediums — dance , song , theater , poetry , film , visual art , and more — to illuminate the intersectional stories of gender-based violence , survival , and resistance . Held in community venues , on college campuses , or in public spaces , Risings provoke thought , stir the heart and imagination , and incite action .
Each year , people are invited to create a Rising connected to the One Billion Rising campaign and also related issues in their local community . Participants can utilize artistic tools created by One Billion Rising , such as songs and choreography , OBR videos and documentaries , or share work by local artists . Also just out , V-Day ’ s newest artistic piece - VOICES : A Sacred Sisterscape Audio Play . These events can also be spaces for collective art creation .
See more ideas below !