OBR Risings Toolkit | Page 11

Visual Art

Visual Art can make a strong public statement for a Rising . Collaborative art projects can visually represent individual and collective experiences and dreams for the future . Here is a link to art that has been made for One Billion Rising that can be printed and displayed .
Here are some different types of visual art projects that can be offered in a Rising :
Digital Art : Create powerful digital artworks that can be shared on social media , projected in public spaces , or featured in online exhibits .
Murals : Create large-scale murals in public spaces .
Collaging : Host a collage-making workshop where participants can use magazines , photos , and other materials .
Art Installations : Build interactive installations that invite community members to contribute , such as a wall of messages , a collaborative sculpture , or an altar honoring those who have come before or those who we ’ ve lost .
Body Mapping : Have participants trace their bodies on large sheets of paper and fill in the outlines with words and images that represent their experiences .
Photography Exhibits : Curate a photography exhibit showcasing powerful images that capture the struggles and strengths of those affected by genderbased violence .
Banner Making : Create vibrant banners and signs that can be used in your Rising or in future actions .
Street Art : Organize street art sessions where artists and community members can create chalk drawings , stencils , and graffiti that convey powerful messages .
Painting : Offer painting workshops where individuals can express their feelings and stories through their artwork .
Zine Making : Collaborate to create a self-published magazine that captures the essence of your Rising . This can include personal stories , artwork , poetry , and other creative expressions .
Pop-Up Gallery : Set up temporary galleries in public spaces to display participant ’ s art .