OBR 2022 Global Report | Page 8

SRI LANKA For the first time on tea plantations , women farm workers played traditional games , sang and danced and had fun . In a country and sector where rural farm working women ’ s bodies are sacrificed for “ care ” or “ labor ” work , and where older women are expected to remain shy , humble , quiet and tirelessly work for their families – this was a very significant breakthrough .
ZAMBIA Like Zimbabwe , many , many more GBV cases were reported as a result of women and girls finding their power and voices through OBR – particularly among teenage girls who are still being forced into teen marriages .
AUSTRIA On its 10TH year in Austria , OBR was able to mobilize partnerships with Parents for Future Vienna , and with the Fridays for Future Austria movements – because of the connection to the climate crisis and stronger community awareness on its connection to women by OBR Austria and a yearly increasing involvement of Artists rising .
CAMBODIA Because of their original song and video “ Rise For Our Bodies ” – campaign reached more LGBTQI + communities and youth groups , with nearly 400,000 people on Facebook , with nearly 250,000 views – which is also a first for the country . And more significantly , the outreach encompassed more rural communities . Apart from inclusion , a lot of focus went on questioning “ standards of beauty ” – especially on whitening , connecting it to layers of colonialized consciousness .
EUROPEAN WOMEN ’ S LOBBY ( EWL ) ( 19 countries represented in Europe ): 20 MP ’ s from across Europe participated in the action in Strasbourg , France , and the social media actions after the gathering garnered nearly 58K impressions on Twitter .
SIERRA LEONE Establishment of OBR clubs in 15 schools – where there will be ongoing discussions on ending VAW , and OBR activities , led by the OBR team .
NEW ZEALAND Intergenerational impact coming much more into focus : OBR Auckland New Zealand organizer is a 15-year-old girl Nidhi Chetty . This is her second year organizing OBR , and she has organized OBR primarily for migrant communities , being a migrant herself from Fiji , and a child of a single mother who has been abused in an intimate partner relationship . This is a direct quote from her : “ OBR is how my mom found her voice , and I want other girls , women , children and people from the LGBTQ + community to find their voices too . OBR is not just a movement for me . It is a way of raising awareness for women and fighting against the patriarchal society . Taking part in the 205 OBR movement saved my mom somehow , and is the reason for our safe and healthy life , and this is what I want to raise awareness for . It makes me want to scream and show all the people who didn ’ t believe in her , to look at where she is now , the woman she has become , and the child she has raised . I stand for my mom and every single woman out there who went through or is going through abuse or violence .”