CROATIA 19 risings all across Croatia – with notable ones organized by Roma women and by women with disability ; events were artistic with dancing , cultural programs , creation of more rising gardens , and creative . A big focus was women sending a clear message against discrimination of women with disabilities ( with the theme : “ let the beauty and strength of women with disabilities be visible ”).
AFRICA REGION The OBR Africa coordinators held regional online events with various themes : “ Africa Rising For the Bodies of all Women , Girls and the Earth ”, “ Rape : Another War on Women ’ s Bodies ”, “ OBR Africa Conversation on Climate Justice in Africa in Connection to Women ’ s Bodies ”.
ZIMBABWE Held a huge artistic rising concert at the Zimbabwe College of Music focusing on the importance of music and dance therapy for survivors of abuse ; Produced a film titled “ One In Three ”; Produced a book on experiences of women supporting other women who are on a healing path from violence .
CONGO Held OBR activities in high schools on positive masculinity and protection of Mother Nature ; waste collection activities in communities ; OBR dancing and actions in City of Joy with members of the community ( including religious leaders , workers from Panzi foundation and Panzi hospital , young mothers , women from the markets ).
MONGOLIA Huge online actions on collecting survivors letters , then developed posters , videos , and stand- up comedy in person actions in line with this focus .
GABON Showed videos on consent in various schools , then had art and drawing challenges with children on the theme .
PHILIPPINES Mixture of physical or on-the-ground gatherings ( artistic , cultural and political risings ), flash mobs on the streets and plaza – with mixed constituents of women , LGBTQI +, youth , children , workers , farmers , indigenous people , religious , government employees , etc . A highlight event was a rising called “ Ride , Dance Unite ”, a bike protest participated in by more than 300 bikers from grassroots communities cycling to end VAWC , followed by a rally . More than 120 OBR actions were held across the country .