OBR 2022 Global Report | Page 10

CAMEROON 7 events across the country that focused on wellbeing , creativity , relaxation , intimate and body hygiene , stress managements which included painting workshops for girls and recycling actions .
RWANDA Girls schools held stage performances and other creative presentations . A second rising was a partnering with local authorities to focus on the OBR theme with various artistic actions .
UGANDA Held reconciliation dialogues ( with community elders , parents and pregnant teens ), community sexual reproductive health clinics , community legal aid clinics ( about channels of regress in case of sexual violence and abuse ), career education clinics for teen , and a teenage mothers OBR Solidarity dance .
SINGAPORE Held an artistic initiative on “ The Portrayal of the Female Body In The Arts ”; did a Youth Rising with a performance of “ The Vagina Monologues ” with an all-teen cast ; creating and producing shorts plays on the theme of “ Feminine Power ”.
UNITED KINGDOM Domestic Workers held a series of online art actions where they drew themselves as superheroes and where they described each of their powers . The Voice of Domestic Workers also held a prominent rising action at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton – focusing on a decade without rights ( 10 years since the rights of domestic workers were removed ). In Wincanton , poets , rappers , storytellers , writers and musicians held a rising for revolution artistic event . The UK also headed the “ Raise The Vibration ” – DJ livestream event , where 18 DJ ’ s across 8 countries raising funds for local charities supporting femme identifying persons escaping or recovering from violence / abuse .
NEPAL Held a huge in person artistic rising coordinated and participated in by over 30 civil society organizations ( diverse and all classes and castes and genders were equally represented ), with dances , poems , drama , art exhibitions and panel discussions .