Obiter Dicta Issue 13 - March 23, 2015 | Page 11

environmentalism Monday, March 23, 2015   11 Burning Our Mother Environmental injustice and indigenous suffering subban jama › copy editor W hy are we so apathetic about environmental injustice and indigenous suffering, Canada’s two most famous shames? “Going green” is not just a seasonal recommendation for Canadians; it is a moral imperative. “Continuance of life depends on sustenance and it is the duty of everyone to nurture and protect the land. As women we have a special relationship to Our Mother the Earth because we also give life and nourish children and the generations that come from us. We are responsible to teach and demonstrate that we are stewards of the natural world.  The role must now encompass a much greater struggle that Indigenous peoples all around the world are facing in light of the industrialization and destruction of Our Mother the Earth.” haudenosaunee clanmothers, 2007    We are all very aware of Aboriginal people’s special relationship to land and to the environment. We know that the preservation of their lands is of paramount importance for Indigenous communities who envision land—“Our Mother the Earth”—in radically different ways from most Canadians. To the Indigenous imagination, land does not exist solely as a resource but as a source of spiritual, ͽ