Obelisk 2022 | Page 70

obelisk 2022
“ Who are you ?” Rainsford replied hesitantly . The voice sounded vaguely familiar , but he didn ’ t know who else could possibly be on the island .
“ Go ! Quickly !” the voice instructed . Rainsford quickly scanned his surroundings , trying to discern where the voice was coming from , but saw only vegetation . He waited for the voice to tell him more , but heard nothing . The howling of the pack snapped Rainsford back into action , and at once he darted back through the jungle to his left , the way the stranger had told him to go . After a few minutes he perceived a faint roar of water ahead and sprinted in that direction . He crashed through a thicket and found himself standing before a river rapidly flowing to his right . Rainsford frantically ran along the side of the bank and , only a few moments later , came abruptly to a halt . Rainsford stood peering over the side of a steep cliff . The sun had already begun to set , and there was a mist below the waterfall , so he was not able to see the bottom of the cliff .
He didn ’ t know whether he should trust the person he heard earlier or not . He hadn ’ t even seen his face ! Rainsford glanced back into the jungle . He might be able to lose General Zaroff in the trees … or he could climb another tree and hope for the best … but the general might find him , and the pack had already picked up his scent . Rainsford could hear the searching hounds drawing ever nearer , and he knew he didn ’ t have much time to contemplate his options . He took another look down the side of the waterfall into the darkness . “ Well , I ’ m dead either way . Might as well ,” he muttered under his breath right before he leaped straight off the precipice .
General Zaroff and the hounds reached the end of the river , and the Cossack stepped forward and squinted , examining the area down the cliffside . For a long time he stood there , surveying the deep chasm into which his