Obelisk 2022 | Page 42

Volterra ’ s Song Verses from a Tuscan Town
obelisk 2022

Volterra ’ s Song Verses from a Tuscan Town

Past the clover fields and farmers ’ orchards , Past Eden ’ s garden , engraved stone faces tortured , There is a little town near Jesus ’ s vineyard Where moss clings through the snow , The town of orphan artisans Nightly dining in candlelight glow .
The orphans learned at a young age The man who chases two dreams gets none , So they lay , satisfied in their wanderings , Celebrating the voyaging moon and sapphire sun .
A warrior long ago from the trenches , Jesus had won the Italian medallion — At heart a restless globetrotter Trekking with the Alpine battalion .
He climbs up the vines to his roof To see the artisans working , Memories meandering with him : A young man merrily toils on a cold Valentine ’ s Day .