Obelisk 2022 | Page 26

obelisk 2022
evolved into a red supergiant . At that point , my internal temperature reached approximately 3,700 degrees Celsius , which allowed me to produce iron in my core . Once my core was full of iron , my gravitational pull was so strong I collapsed under it . While I was collapsing , my core ’ s temperature rose to over 170 million degrees Celsius . That ’ s pretty hot , huh ?
Scene 5 : Supernova
When my core collapsed from my strong gravitational pull , my electrons and protons smashed into each other and formed neutrons . For a split second , the neutrons rapidly fell to the center of my core and smashed into each other , causing a shockwave , also known as a supernova . A nova is a type of star that greatly increases in brightness over a short period of time . Supernovas are stellar explosions that are so bright they can outshine the sun . However , you don ’ t normally see them because of how far away they are from Earth . Depending on the mass of the star , there can be a type I or type II supernova . Because of my large mass , I exploded into the type II supernova which is equal to 8 solar masses . One solar mass is equal to the mass of the sun . All of those red dots you see on the screen represent supernova remnants . These are the leftovers from the stellar explosion .
Scene 6 : Black Hole
A black hole is a collapsed mass that nothing can escape from , not even light . We exist because a dying star still has an extremely large mass , but no more nuclear fuel left to burn . When this happens nothing can stop my core from forming a deep gravitational warp called a black hole . Since black holes are nearly invisible , anything that gets too close cannot escape . Black