Obelisk 2022 | Page 13

Renaissance Clothing : The Evolution of an Essential Item Hoguet Prize Essay by Brody Coraine
the journal of literature and the arts at saint david ’ s school

Renaissance Clothing : The Evolution of an Essential Item Hoguet Prize Essay by Brody Coraine

In modern America , we might choose our clothing to stand out . However , for the men and women of the Italian Renaissance , fashion was an indispensable tool used to fit into society . Clothing was a visual marker that conveyed information and messages about the wearer . Fashion played a vital role during the Renaissance because of the economic , social , and cultural changes that took place during the period . During the Italian Renaissance , the importance of fashion was due to the rise of the textile industry , the desire to be recognized as belonging to a social class , and the humanist ideals of the time .
The growth of the textile industry during the Italian Renaissance led to many more luxurious fabrics on the market and an era known for its consumption . A significant aspect of the Italian economy was the manufacture of luxurious textiles such as velvets and silks . As the textile industry flourished , and as manufacturing and trade continued to expand , luxury textiles became readily available to meet the demand of wealthy consumers who prioritized fashion ( Rublack 15 ). Although only the wealthiest members of society could afford to spend lavishly on fabrics , the production of textiles required the labor of an enormous amount of people . The demand for expensive textiles and apparel led to an increasing number of skilled craftsmen who were able to demand high prices for their goods because their work was painstaking and extremely time-consuming . In 1427 , “ a weaver of brocaded velvet earned more in a year than the second chancellor ” ( Rublack 6 ). While the textile