O.A.T. Land & Small Ships Adventures 2023 & 2024 | Page 206

SAVE A FULL 10 % off the total price of your trip with our Good Buy Plan — valid on all June 2023-December 2024 departures when you reserve by 3 / 31 / 23

SAVE A FULL 10 % off the total price of your trip with our Good Buy Plan — valid on all June 2023-December 2024 departures when you reserve by 3 / 31 / 23


HERE ' S HOW YOU ' LL SAVE based on a trip price of $ 6500 per person
Months Prior to Your Final Payment Due Date ( 90 days prior to your departure date )
Pay in Full & Receive
Savings Per Person
12 months or more 10 % off $ 650 11 months 9 % off $ 585 10 months 8 % off $ 520 9 months 7.5 % off $ 488 8 months 6 % off $ 390 7 months 5 % off $ 325 6 months 4 % off $ 260 5 months 3 % off $ 195
Make your final payment by check within 120 days
$ 50 off $ 50
Good Buy Plan savings are calculated based on total reservation cost . All figures and savings shown are examples only — Vacation Ambassador and Frequent Traveler savings shown are based on the average credits earned by O . A . T . travelers .
• Our Good Buy Plan policy has a maximum savings of 10 %— for an average savings of $ 800- $ 1200 per couple
• Lock in your price — you ’ re guaranteed your price won ’ t increase even if fuel costs go up , currency values fluctuate , or other unexpected costs arise
• Savings apply to your entire adventure — including airfare , pre- and post-trip extensions , and cabin and deck upgrades — when you pay in full by check or electronic funds transfer
• 12 months prior to final payment due date is approximately 15 months prior to trip departure ( final payment is due 90 days prior to departure )
10 % Good Buy Offer applies to new reservations only and CAN be combined with free or low-cost Single Supplements . To save a full 10 % on June 2023 – December 2024 departures , you must reserve by 3 / 31 / 23 , mention code : APZT 101 , and pay in full by check or electronic funds transfer within 14 days of booking . If you reserve your departure after 3 / 17 / 23 , you must pay in full by 3 / 31 / 23 to receive the 10 % savings . 10 % savings are calculated after Frequent Traveler Credits , Vacation Ambassador rewards , and Multiple Trips Benefits are deducted from your initial tour price .
For more information , visit www . oattravel . com / gbd