O.A.T. Land & Small Ships Adventures 2023 & 2024 | Page 139

Bartolome Baltra
Santiago Rabida
Darwin Santa Cruz Research
Isabella Puerto Ayora San
Santa Fe Cristobal Floreana
Napo Cultural Center
Pacific Ocean
Machu Picchu
Pacific Ocean
Arrival / Departure
Optional Extension
Motor Route Air Route
Boat Route Rail Route
Quito ECUADOR Riobamba
Alausi Cuenca PERU
Pacific Ocean
Best of Peru : Lima , The Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu
PRE-TRIP : 6 nights from $ 1895 Only $ 316 per night
DAY 6 • A Day in the Life of Kichwa village
• Grand Circle Foundation visit • Home- Hosted Lunch Your A Day in the Life of an indigenous Kichwa village experience begins with a visit to a school supported in part by Grand Circle
Foundation . Then we ’ ll meet a local Kichwa family and help prepare a special meal which we ’ ll share during a Home-Hosted Lunch .
B , L , D — Yarina Lodge or similar
DAY 7 • Coca • Quito Return by boat to Coca , where you ’ ll catch a return flight to Quito .
B , L — NH Collection Quito Royal Hotel or similar
DAY 8 • Quito • Optional Papallacta Hot Springs tour Enjoy a free day in Quito , or join a full-day optional tour to the Termas de Papallacta hot springs in Ecuador ’ s highlands .
B — NH Collection Quito Royal Hotel or similar
DAY 9 • Galápagos • Embark ship Fly to the Galápagos via Guayaquil on Ecuador ’ s Pacific Coast . Then , board our ship once we land in the islands .
B , L , D — Galápagos Small Ship
DAY 10 • Galápagos cruise For the next six days , we ’ ll explore the “ Enchanted Isles ” aboard our small ship , on foot , and during Zodiac excursions . Please note : The islands we call upon vary according to seasonal conditions and Galápagos National Park regulations .
B , L , D — Galápagos Small Ship
DAY 11 • Galápagos cruise As we cruise , explore the wildlife of the Galápagos , much of which exists nowhere else on Earth . The absence of human predators makes the animals surprisingly tame , so we can view them up close during our hikes , while snorkeling , and aboard Zodiacs .
B , L , D — Galápagos Small Ship
DAY 12 • Galápagos cruise Depending on our departure date , we may stop at the Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island , dedicated to the preservation of the islands and to maintaining the purity of their endemic species .
B , L , D — Galápagos Small Ship
DAY 13 • Galápagos cruise As we cruise we may visit Santiago ( James ) Island , where tidal pools reveal a profusion of undersea life ; or Bartolome ( Bartholomew ), with the distinctive spire of Pinnacle Rock as its landmark . Some of the Galápagos ’ s most fascinating features are best viewed from a Zodiac ; we ’ ll have several opportunities to explore aboard these open-air crafts during our cruise .
B , L , D — Galápagos Small Ship
DAY 14 • Galápagos cruise During our cruise , we may visit Mosquera Beach , a small , white-sand islet ideal for snorkeling ; or Rabida ( Jervis ) Island , which has a reddish beach with steep volcanic slopes .
B , L , D — Galápagos Small Ship
DAY 15 • Galápagos cruise • Farewell Dinner Perhaps we ’ ll visit Santa Fe ( Barrington ) today , where iguanas doze in forests of opuntia cacti , or San Cristobal ( Chatham ), the sleepy capital of
Riobamba & Cuenca : Cultural Treasures in the Ecuadorean Andes
POST-TRIP : 6 nights from $ 1295 Only $ 216 per night
To view your optional extensions in detail , visit www . oattravel . com / awg
We recommend that you Arrive Early , Stay Later
We strongly recommend you take advantage of this extra time to relax or explore more in depth before or after your trip . Prices shown include accommodations , daily breakfast , and private airport transfer .
• Arrive early in Lima before your Peru pre-trip extension for $ 125 per person , per night
• Arrive early in Quito before your main trip or stay later after your main trip or Ecuador posttrip extension for $ 150 per person , per night
the Galápagos province . Enjoy a Farewell Dinner aboard ship this evening .
B , L , D — Galápagos Small Ship
DAY 16 • Disembark ship • Quito • Return to U . S . Fly to Quito , where we ’ ll have the use of a day room . Then , fly home to the U . S , or begin your post-trip extension to Riobamba & Cuenca : Cultural Treasures in the Ecuadorean Andes .
B , D
Information & Reservations 1-800-955-1925 www . oattravel . com / awg 139