O.A.T. Adventures by Land & Small Ship 2024 & 2025 | Page 27

Dear Traveler ,
In 1992 , my late husband Alan and I had a vision : Create a philanthropic arm to Grand Circle Travel — one that would engage our travelers , associates , and vendors , in a shared effort to help change people ’ s lives . That year , we established Grand Circle Foundation , an entity of the Alnoba Lewis Family Foundation . Since then , we have pledged or donated more than $ 250 million to more than 500 projects in 50 countries .
In the communities we support , sustainable access to clean water is literally a matter of life and death . In 2018 , we began a partnership with Wine To Water , an organization led by our friend Doc Hendley . Together , we have delivered thousands of water filters to schools and communities supported by Grand Circle Foundation in Laos , Cambodia , Colombia , and Tanzania . In 2022 , in partnership with Wine To Water , we donated $ 246,000 to purchase a drilling rig in Tanzania , where drought conditions have created water shortages .
Wine to Water filter delivery , Arusha , Tanzania
We are also committed to preserving the planet we all share , and often look to Indigenous leaders for wisdom and guidance . Since 2020 , we have donated more than $ 76,000 to Amazon Watch , an organization that supports Indigenous leaders who are doing the dangerous work to protect the Amazon — the “ lungs of the world ”— in Ecuador and Brazil .
We never envisioned funding relief efforts , as our focus is on Water , Sanitation & Hygiene ( WASH ) and education . But in Ukraine , Turkey , Morocco , and now Israel , we have learned to trust our regional associates and Trip Experience Leaders and send funds to them for immediate needs like food , water , housing , and clothing , as they are closest to the disaster . Then we fund long-term partners , like the Joint Distribution Committee and Wine to Water , who help us deliver aid both immediately and in the long term .
Alessandra Munduruku , Amazon Watch
None of this would be possible without your help . Thank you for traveling with us , and for helping to change people ’ s lives .
Warm regards ,
Harriet R . Lewis Chair , Grand Circle Foundation
Earthquake relief efforts , Morocco
To learn more about projects and communities that Grand Circle Foundation supports , visit www . grandcirclefoundation . org . You can also keep up with our Foundation projects by signing up for our weekly e-newsletter , the Inside Scoop , at www . oattravel . com / the-inside-scoop .