Oasis Magazine - Cairns & Tropical North Queensland Issue 29 - Apr | May 2019 | Page 24

To be a writer you need a WRITER’S PLAN For those who fantasize about one day writing a novel or memoir, or finishing a book already underway, there is only one path to success, and that is to have a plan. It can be difficult for would-be writers to think about large, overarching goals when entering a new project. To say, “I’m going to write a novel and have it completed by X date,” is easier said than done. A Writer’s Plan is a one-day course conducted by Lori-Jay Ellis, the CEO of the Brisbane-based Queensland Writers Centre (QWC) in collaboration locally with Cairns Tropical Writers Festival. Lori-Jay is a trained brand marketer and currently teaches and mentors writ- ers and business owners on planning, organisation and achieving outcomes in their writing lives. The QWC works to help writers at every stage of their writing journey, with 24 comprehensive industry knowledge, programs, advice and support. The workshop on how to get started and stay motivated to keep going as a writer is on Sunday 16 June from 10.30am to 4.00pm at Cairns City Library. With short breaks for lunch and afternoon tea, it focuses on 4 achievable blocks: the sustainability of the writer, engagement with an audience, a publishing schedule, and the craft of writing and writer’s conferences. Start your project by being prepared for annual opportunities, competitions, and conferences, plan your online activity, build your audience engagement, and of course, keep on top of your writing. This is a workshop for beginner, intermediate and emerging writers. Participants walk away with a clear, concise, and exciting view of their future writing life for the next 12 months. Bookings via the Queensland Writers Centre page on Eventbrite, or call QWC on 07 3842 9922 or email [email protected]