Oasis Magazine - Cairns & Tropical North Queensland Issue 29 - Apr | May 2019 | Page 21

THE PERSONALITIES Media representatives in town have come on board to support the campaign and are willing to undergo colonoscopies, if they haven’t already, to promote awareness and fundraising. member’s bowel cancer diagnosis. But prompted by the campaign, he’s dedicated to “taking one for the team” and hopefully nothing is found. Andy Reeves has no close family connection to bowel cancer, but as a passionate supporter of the Foundation, is willing to do whatever it takes to help the campaign reach its fruition. ABC Far North’s Kier Shorey, Star 102.7’s Dave Warner, 4CA’s Murray Jones and John Mackenzie and the Cairns Post general manager Andy Reeves have stepped forward to help drive public awareness of the THE EQUIPMENT Balloon enteroscope (two required campaign. at a cost of $60,000 each). This Kier Shorey “ignored” pleas from technique involves the use of a his family to have an endoscopy. balloon at the end of a special “Like most men, I thought I was enteroscope camcera and an bullet proof for eight years they overtube, which is a tube that fits nagged me to do something. Dad over the endoscope. It allows most had had polyps removed so that’s of the small intestine to be viewed, why everyone was at me.” But it which is impossible with a normal was the diagnosis of another close endoscope. Diagnoses patients relative with a large tumour in the with small bowel bleeding spots, descending colon, that prompted ulcers, polyps or tumours. (At time him to take action. That family of going to press, $3480 had been member has been treated and is raised). now well, but it prompted Kier, now aged 47, to book in. And just as well Linnear Eus Scope. (Cost $99,640). he did, because Cairns Hospital This is an endoscope with an director of medicine discovered a ultrasound probe on the end, in 25mm polyp when he performed a addition to the usual camera. It gives very clear images of internal colonoscopy. organs and allows biopsies to be John Mackenzie has been through taken more accurately as well as the process of having colonosco- guiding internal drainage of fluid pies for some years and is eager to collections. Diagnoses patients see the campaign reach fruition. with tumours of the pancreas, bile ducts, oesophagus and stomach. Murray Jones is now aged (At time of going to press, $7592 “50-and-a-half” and had put his had been raised). bowel screening kit in the bottom Radial Eus Scope (Cost $90,500). drawer. Twice. However, he’s now This type of imaging provides a 360 dedicated to the campaign and has degree, cross-sectional view of the obtained his referral for his GI tract and is primarily used for colonoscopy. screening and staging tumours. Dave Warner has been “gently Diagnoses patients with tumours of oesophagus, stomach, reminded” by family members to the have a colonoscopy, due to a family pancreas, etc. (At time of going to press, $1520 had been raised). Manometry pH studies (cost $122,000). This measures the function of the muscles and nerves of the food pipe (gullet or oesophagus). A thing tube with sensors is passed through the nose down the oesophagus into the stomach. In pH studies, a catheter is passed through the nose and left in the lower oesophagus for 24 hours or a capsule is tacked on to the lower oesophagus). (This item has been fully funded!) VITAL STATS • Demand for endoscopy services in FNQ is increasing by at least 10pc a year • More than 25 endoscopy proce- dures are performed at Cairns Hospital each day. • About 8200 endoscopic cases were dealt with throughout the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service in 2017-2018 (CHHHS annual report) • Demand is expected to increase to 8400 in the current financial year, with an extra 1000 cases each year after that (CHHHS annual report) • About one in 23 people will be diagnosed with bowel cancer in their lifetime • Bowel cancer is the second-most diagnosed cancer in FNQ for both men and women (after prostate and breast cancer)* • 167 bowel cancer diagnoses in FNQ each year, 57 die each year* (Source: Cancer Council Queensland 2007-2011) Donate here: www.fnqhf.org.au/en- doscopy