Oasis Magazine - Cairns & Tropical North Queensland Issue 28 - Feb | Mar 2019 | Page 25

TITLE: 0LOOLRQ'ROODU+RVW TOPIC: Airbnb and building a business on the back of the sharing economy AUTHOR: Julie GeorgeAVAILABLE ON: www.milliondollarhost.com.au or Amazon.com ABOUT THE BOOK: If financial freedom and being your own boss are just some of your dreams, you need to pick up a copy of the Amazon Bestseller Million Dollar Host. This is the story of Julie George and how her entrepre- neurial vision has seen her tap into the Airbnb 'sharing economy' and transform it into a highly profitable business. How profit- able? In its first year, Julie turned over $1.4million in bookings.... now the portfolio is earning more than $300,000 per month. In Million Dollar Host, Julie shares her knowledge and takes you through every step of the process of growing a successful Airbnb property portfolio, EVEN if you do not own property! WHY DID YOU WRITE A BOOK? Airbnb is such an 'on trend' concept aW the moment and providing the perfect opportunity for budding entrepreneurs to build their own business, that I wanted to share my success and ideas to inspire and support others. I was being contacted by people from all over the world asking for help and it only made sense to put all of the 'tips and tricks' that I could into a compact book. TITLE: 'HVLJQD*RRG/LIH)URP )DUPWR3KDUPDFLDWR:KROH +HDOWK TOPIC: Life is a choice – a choice between designing your own life or having others design it for you. AUTHOR: Mario Calanna AVAILABLE ON: www.calanna- pharmacy.com.au/products ABOUT THE BOOK: This story contains a summary of the the journey of my family from the Woree cane farm to the Pharmacy profession. It also shows how each of us can Design our own life by focusing on the 7 elements of the Whole Health Well Wheel. Namely Family, Physical Health, Finance, Faith/Spiritual, EmotionDO Leadership and Service/Social. I wanted to show how each person can take control and Design their your own Life by taking responsibility and being accountable for the choices made, the habits formed and knowing your WHY (your Purpose in Life). Otherwise someone else who cares little about you will design your life for you. And you will never lead the life you were born to live. There is much simple wisdom shared and many resources to help to Design your own Good Life. WHY DID YOU WRITE A BOOK? I became tired of poor leadership in our communities at all levels. And the victimhood mentality that permeates throughout. We each need to be responsible and accountable for our choices and our habits. Ultimately these are what we become. TITLE: 7RGD\µV 3URILW 7RPRUURZµV )XWXUH TOPIC: Financial planning advice for small businesses to retire wealthy and get a better appreciation of super.  AUTHOR: Rita Zappulla AVAILABLE ON: www.smsfsa.com.au P\ERRN ABOUT THE BOOK: Are you a small business owner who wonders how are you ever going to be able to retire? It doesn’t matter whether this is your first year or fifth year in business or you are about to sell your business and retire, there is something for everyone at every stage of the business journey in this must-read book by financial planner, accountant and money mentor Rita Zappulla. It is never too early to start and the sooner you do, the more your future self, and your bank account will thank you for it. WHY DID YOU WRITE A BOOK? My a-ha moment FDPH ZKLOH attending a course run by Natasa Denman about writing a book in 48 hours. Working with several mentors during 2018 highlighted to me how passionate I am about helping small business owners be financially set up when they retire. Over the years I have seen so many small business owners spend 15 to 20 years working in their business but when they retire they have very little in personal savings to show for all their years of hard work. I hope to break the cycle and speak to small business owners when they are starting out in the first 5 to 10years, and help make a difference to their lives now and in the future.