Oasis Magazine - Cairns & Tropical North Queensland Issue 26 - Oct|Nov 2018 | Page 50

   Short on time? The quick 10 Minute Trim is for you! Combining strength training with cardio provides the ultimate calorie burning workout. The first section of the workout is called AM RAP [As Many Rounds As Possible]. Let's get star ted! Do each move from step 1-5 as many times as possi6le over 4 minutes. Repeat. 1. AIR SQUATS 2.GLUTE BRIDGE Stand with feet a little wider than hip-width, toes turned out slightly and arms by side. Bend knees slowly and raise arms up. Push butt and hips out as if sitting on a chair. Keep knees aligned over ankles and weight balanced evenly between the front and back of feet. legs arms. l and lower l Repeat 1 times. Lie flat on the floor on back with hands by side and knees bent with feet shoulder width apart. Pushing mainly with heels, lift hips off the floor while keeping back straight. Breathe out. Slowly return to he 3. PU SH UPS Lie on the floor face down and place hands just outside shoulders while holding torso up at arms length. Next, lower yourself downwa rd until chest almost touches the floor as you inhale. Now breathe out and press upper body back up to the starting posi tion while squeezing chest. After a brief pause at the top contracted position, begin to lower yourself downwar d again for as many repetitions as needed. Repeat 10 times. 4. LUNGES With both feet together and facing forward, step forward with left foot and sink into a forward lunge with knees at 90-degree angles and front knee behind front toes. Press into front heel to bring front foot back to starting position. Repeat on the opposite side, this time stepping forward with the right foot. Shoulders should remain stacked over hips the entire time. Repeat 10 times [5 on each leg]. 5. BURPEES Bend knees and jump high into the air, lifting arms over your head. As you land on both feet, bend knees and touch the floor. Jump both feet backwards, until you're in an upright f