Oasis Magazine - Cairns & Tropical North Queensland Issue 24 - Jun|Jul 2018 | Page 45

Top Five Athletic Benefits OF MAGNESIUM SKINCARE SABINE SCHROEDER Spa in a Jar Are you sore after hard workouts? Do you feel bowled over by exercise stress? What about sleep? If you can’t remember the last time you had a restful night, there’s a good chance you’re not getting enough magnesium. As the second most prevalent electrolyte in the human body, we know that magnesium plays a crucial role in cell energy production and recovery. Even small shortfalls in magnesium can seriously impair performance. A 2012 study of elite runners found that it was magnesium, not sodium or potassium, that was the electrolyte most depleted during the race. Low magnesium stores resulted in significant cramping and inflammation for the runners. Here are five critical reasons to make sure your magnesium levels are up to par; 1. Greater Strength - If you’re not optimizing your magnesium stores, you’re missing out on peak performance and muscle gains. Without enough magnesium, enzymes that enable muscle protein synthesis are impaired, compromising recovery, hypertrophy, and strength. 2. Hormone Balance - Healthy testosterone and balanced cortisol levels can make or break an athlete. Magnesium helps main- tain this equilibrium by helping to free up testosterone so it can work its magic in the body. It also allows for the metabolism of the stress hormone cortisol after workouts by reducing nervous system activation. 3. Better Insulin Sensitivity & Body Composition - Magnesium is known as the mineral of insulin sensitivity. It helps your body metabolize carbs while influencing the activity of hormones that control blood glucose levels. Robust magnesium creates a metabolic environment that will help you get superior muscle development and a leaner body composition in less time. 4. Faster Recovery - Magnesium accelerates recovery processes and aids sleep. It fights inflammation, relieves cramps, raises antioxidant levels and replenishes energy stores in the muscle. It also calms the central nervous system lowering the heart rate for a restful sleep. 5. Greater Power & Vertical Jump - Magnesium is necessary for the explosive movements, making it a key nutrient for athletes who want to enhance athletic performance. Volleyball players who took 350 mg of magnesium for 4 weeks increased vertical jump height by an average of 3 cm. How To Take Magnesium: Scientists recommend a minimum of 3.5mg – 7 mg per kilo of body weight a day, up to 10mg/kg for athletes. Some of this can be consumed from food - whole oats, raw nuts, beans, and bananas. However, due to food production from depleted soils this is never enough. The easiest/most efficient way is using a well-formulated magnesium spray on your skin in the morning, after training or even during competition. With an absorption rate of under 2 minutes you will boost your body functions exactly when you need it. Stay away from any oral forms of supplementation as the stomach acid required to digest it destroys over 2/3 of what you think you are getting – and makes you feel queasy in the process, not a very efficient mode of delivery at all.