Making a
The FNQ Cerebral Palsy Support Group is a charitable organisation started in 2009 by a small group of passionate parents of children with cerebral palsy who wanted to provide a better support network for families in the region . It was quickly identified that the major problem in the area was the lack of funded therapy programs in the region . The group aims to improve the services and opportunities available to families affected by cerebral palsy and living in Cairns and Far North Queensland . Along with relatives , friends , and health workers , the group joined forces with the infamous Wheellie Mad Women who in eight years have raised over $ 300,000 for the group .
The group now supports over 100 children in the region with cerebral palsy as well as other physical disabilities . Kids are able to participate in weekly programs which includes hydrotherapy , horseriding , pilates , group fitness sessions and gym programs . Assistance is also provided for equipment .
As a local charity all money stays in the region to support our local families . Administration costs are kept to a minimum so that you can be assured that every dollar you donate goes to the kids . Every $ 35 covers a therapy session .
The FNQ Cerebral Palsy Support Group is run by volunteers and relies on community support and donations to continue providing programs and funding . The next few months will be a busy time with events and raffles being planned . Donations are tax deductible and always appreciated . Prizes for raffles and auctions are also appreciated .
If you or your business is in a position to support this amazing group please contact their Support Officer , Shannon Telley , on 0429 071 722 or via info @ fnqcpsupportgroup . com .
Feb | March 2017 | 23