March Events
March 12, 1:30-2:30pm
Maple Syrup Harvest
Sunset Woods Park, 1801 Sunset
Rd., Highland Park
March 12, 6-8pm
Family Tournament of Champions
Leisure Center Gym
2222 Birch St., Des Plaines
Ages 3 & Older. An evening packed
with tournaments of skill, brain
and brawn to determine the Family Tournament Champion of Des
Plaines. Tournament events will not
be revealed until the event, but each
event will be age appropriate and fun
for the entire familyR: $7/NR: $9.
Learn the art of tapping trees to make
maple syrup! Everyone is welcome, but
content is appropriate for adults and
children over the age of six. Children
must be with a paid registered adult.
Register online by March 11. $8.
March 12, 5:30-9pm
Mother Son BIG PIG Tourney
Fox Chase Elementary
260 Fox Chase Drive North, Oswego
March 12, 7-10pm
Two Irish Tellers
Reddick Mansion
100 W. Lafayette St., Ottawa
The classic game of clever basketball
shots meets March Madness just for
Mom and her boy! You’ve got two
guaranteed games in this double
elimination tourney as you and your
son out shoot the other teams for
a chance at the Grand Prize! Once
you get knocked out at PIG, try our
trampoline dunk competition and
win valuable gift cards. Register by
March 10. $15 (R) / $20 (N).
Come and enjoy Irish stories and
songs, laughter and shenanigans!
Presented by Tricia Kelly and Mick
Henneberry. Refreshments after the
performance will follow the Irish
theme! $10/person.
March 13 – 15, Sun. 1pm,
Mon. & Tues. 7pm
Woodstock Theatre to Host “A
Tribute to Harold Ramis”
Woodstock Theatre
209 Main St., Woodstock
March 12, 6-10pm
Date Night
Boulder Point, 0 Boulder Hill Pass,
Montgomery, 630-554-1010
The Ramis Tribute will feature the comedy classics “Ghostbusters,” “Stripes”
and “Animal House.” The Harold Ramis
Auditorium at the Woodstock Theatre
was dedicated in 2015 to honor the
writer/director, who passed away the
year before. He directed “Groundhog
Day,” which is shown annually and features many locations in the community
of Woodstock including the Woodstock
Theatre. $6/person.
Kids can enjoy a parent free night while
parents enjoy a night out too! Games
and activities, time in the gym, a movie,
pizza, and snacks will all be part of the
fun! Kids can bring a sleeping bag or
blanket an