Oak Magazine Issue 1 | Page 31

Designer Answers... Q & A with Brook Leber - Principal Designer, Oswald Homes Tell us a little bit about yourself? Born and raised in Western Australia, I am a family man with a gorgeous wife from the UK and the proud father of two lovely little girls. I have a passion for design and the environment and when I’m not at Oswald Homes I love to travel, cook and ride my mountain bike through our native forests. Brook, can you give us an idea as to where your passion for design came from and what are the fundamental principles of a good design? From a young age I always loved to draw as well as build models and cubby houses. In later life I was amazed by the artistry, engineering and craftsmanship of iconic buildings around the world, which then attracted me to building design. Light, volume, functionality and a common sense approach are the fundamental principles I apply to all designs as well as meeting the client’s budget. There has to be a balance of form and function and a home must always take into account the environment it sits in. Can you describe for our readers what you see as the latest trends in design in terms of style and features? There has been a significant swing to more traditional styles of housing with the American influence of the Hamptons being the prevalent trend. A modern blend of country and shabby chic continues to grow in popularity and is making its presence felt in both home interiors and exteriors. Contemporary design is now making a departure away from the minimalist trend and is now drawing inspiration from mid-century American modernism. Tell us about one of your design projects and what made it special for you? I have an affinity with the recently completed “Warehaus” display home by Residential Attitudes. The home encapsulates our company’s shared philosophy of constant evolution and inspiring the Western Australian public to challenge the status quo.   29