Oak Magazine Issue 1 | Page 16

Th e Love of Bentley If one were to put a total value on the vehicles and spare parts under this roof it would be upwards of $20 million. Only about 1300 vintage Bentleys still exist from the 3024 that were originally built during the company’s 12-year life-span during which they created five models: the 3-litre, 4.5-litre (50 as Blowers), 6.5-litre, 8-litre, and finally the 4-litre on an 8-litre chassis. I realised that more than 10 per cent of the world’s survivors were under this one roof - you certainly wouldn’t want a fire. “So these are all for sale?” I said, indicating the showroom full of vehicles. “No, they are all sold!” he corrected. “Well there is one do ۈ\