Névus 2021 Stredná zdravotnícka škola Michalovce | Page 16


Dušan Kadlec - 100 spôsobov, ktorými si zbytočne komplikujeme život

Túto knihu som si vybral, lebo ma veľmi inšpiruje a aj ja chcem v živote dosiahnuť úspech.

V knihe sa píše o mnohých témach, napr. aké sú pre náš život dôležité vzťahy, dobré zdravie, akú úlohu majú financie a ako pristupovať k práci.

Kto mi vôbec túto knižku odporučil? Bol to môj bratranec, ktorý takéto knihy číta jedna radosť.😂 Každý, kto sa potrebuje trochu motivovať, nájde v tejto knihe užitočné myšlienky. Možno si nakoniec poviete: Áno, táto kniha ma motivovala k lepšiemu spôsobu života.

,,Niektorí ľudia hovoria, že je život ťažký. Iní zase vravia, že je komplikovaný. Pravdou, ale zostáva že ho budeš mať presne taký, akým si ho spravíš."

Adrián, I. M

I would like to write about one of my favourite television series Supernatural. It is an American series about two brothers who follow their father's footsteps as hunters, fighting evil supernatural beings of many kinds, including monsters, demons and gods that roam around the earth. They travel across America in a black 1967 Chevy Impala car investigating and combating paranormal events and other unexplained incidents. Many of them are based on American urban legends and folklore as well as classical supernatural creatures such as vampires, werewolves and ghosts.

This series is not only about paranormal things but also about hard relationships between the members of family, especially between two brothers with completely different personalities, their childhood problems and unspoken offenses.

The first and the most notable thing in this TV show is a mystery which is hidden in many interesting stories about supernatural beings. All abnormal things are closely connected with history, culture and legends of American nations, so it’s even more interesting.

The Supernatural has its own fandom-made wiki page where you can find some interesting or extra-information about creatures and people which are shown in the series.

I think this series genre is popular for people of all ages because of a really interesting plot and unexpected twists. But I personally would not recommend it to a family with small children – this series contains a lot of murder or violent scenes and also a little bit of sex scenes. Sofija, III.ZA