NZ HEMP EXPORT DRIVEN INVESTOR (Full Report) Full Report | Page 5

Investor Report Industrial Hemp Sector New Zealand ’ s New Export Opportunity 2020


Industrial Hemp is a treasure trove of potential - New Zealand can grow high quality plants , which can be processed into a wide range of natural health products for consumers , as well as industrial products for different industries . The environmental and health credentials of hemp are aligned with the values of consumers . Processing has to be situated close to the farms - which leads to investment in regional development . And , the creation of jobs and training opportunities .
80 years of prohibition means there is a tremendous amount of work required . That fits well with our ‘ can do ’ attitude , and kiwi ingenuity . Our research and development ecosystem are well positioned to develop new products and services . Additional rewards come from licensing the technology to process and produce hemp products for global markets . We have the growers , and the food and fibre hemp industry is moving forward and making huge leaps each season , to develop and service a wide range of expanding markets :
• The food industry has embraced the highly nutritious hemp seeds , and the wider industrial applications are starting to be discussed as supply creates a demand for the secondary industries . They being animal foods ( currently